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  • 2022 5oz Seymour Panther Proof PF70 ULTRA CAMEO
  • 2022 5oz Seymour Panther Proof PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

2022 5oz Seymour Panther Proof PF70 ULTRA CAMEO



Material: 24ct Gold

Weight: 5oz

Mintage: 125


The fire-breathing beast that kicks off the Tudor Beasts series is the Seymour Panther, a symbol adopted by Jane Seymour on her marriage. Depicted as a spotted big cat, the fearsome Panther was reportedly chosen for Jane as it made an easy replacement for her predecessor, Anne Boleyn's leopards which adorned royal palaces before her execution.


David Lawrence is the artist behind this beast and the rest of the creatures in the collection. His depiction makes a fantastic creature look remarkably lifelike and shows the panther clutching a version of the Seymour coat of arms: two birds wings 'conjoined in lure'.


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